Tuesday, July 04, 2006


8.02am. Fortunately, my now infamous sleepy disposition has allowed me nearly 8 hours sleep last night. A weakling amongst the Milkcrate hoards. So, alas, the final morning hours are left to your humble narrator, whilst the sleepless sleep cozily tucked away.

I listen to the tracks thus far - I'm impressed with Seb and Hayley's creations. But, ah, now there are standards! How can I possibly keep up with this near-to-nothing knowledge of the medium ProToolius?

What we seem to have so far (that I can remember) (and in no particular order, but that of remembering):
A phasing piece, like a koto duet with a strange sense of rhythm.
A ghostly, howling track like a forest with a bad omen.
The great organists posthumous masterpiece, written in shackles.
And a grand conception via alien osmosis.

Now we walk into the final hour...

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