Sunday, June 25, 2006

20060625 16:56

Oh boy! It sure is more time consuming 'crating with just one tiny sample. And tiring. Anyway, here are two more tracks: one is called "How To Embarrass A Duck" after the amusing comic (find it here). I will leave it up to you, for the time being, to decipher which one it is...



Tyrell Blackburn said...

hahaha I had a good laugh. I'm guessing "mc08 04" is based off the comic. Great tune man, and yes, very comical in nature.

Sebastian Tomczak said...

;) you are correct, of course!

You have read the comic?

Tyrell Blackburn said...

*gasp* I just realised there is more than one page. Hah, reading the page by itself didn't make a lot of sense. Yes it is quite amusing.